Modernizing a legacy brand while preserving trust and tradition

Modernizing a legacy brand while preserving trust and tradition

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Bvb Hero
Left Stickers

Client: BVB Glass | Project Length: 4 Months

Bvb Right Logo

Branding | Graphic Design | Photography

BVB Glass, formerly Bacon & Van Buskirk, came to Clanin Creative to refresh their brand while honoring their 80+ years of community service. We modernized their logo by simplifying the design, maintaining a similar typeface and color for continuity.

The updated logo, now cleaner and more streamlined, complements their revamped website with an improved site map for easier navigation. Our rebranding effort also included new print collateral and refreshed branding for vehicles and uniforms. This update gives BVB Glass a fresh yet familiar identity, setting the stage for continued growth.

Left Stickers

Client: BVB Glass
Project Length: 4 Months

Bvb Right Logo

Branding | Graphic Design | Photography

BVB Glass, formerly Bacon & Van Buskirk, came to Clanin Creative to refresh their brand while honoring their 80+ years of community service. We modernized their logo by simplifying the design, maintaining a similar typeface and color for continuity.

The updated logo, now cleaner and more streamlined, complements their revamped website with an improved site map for easier navigation. Our rebranding effort also included new print collateral and refreshed branding for vehicles and uniforms. This update gives BVB Glass a fresh yet familiar identity, setting the stage for continued growth.

Bvb Logo
Bvb Logo


BVB Glass aimed to enhance their website, social media, and advertising with a curated library of custom stock photography. Working with our skilled photographer, we visited various BVB installations—both residential and commercial—to capture high-quality images of their team at work. This collection showcases their expertise and dedication, beautifully blending traditional craftsmanship with modern excellence.

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The steps we’ve taken in rebranding and marketing would never have been possible without the guidance and execution that Clanin offers.

Aaron Hiatt

President of BVB Glass


The steps we’ve taken in rebranding and marketing would never have been possible without the guidance and execution that Clanin offers.

Aaron Hiatt

President of BVB Glass

Flexible Design Support

Our retainer arrangement offers BVB Glass a seamless and flexible solution for their ongoing design needs. Through monthly meetings, we stay in sync with their upcoming projects, whether it’s designing pop-up banners, creating ads for print and TV, updating their website, or handling any other creative tasks.

This model ensures we’re always available to address their needs promptly, avoiding delays associated with busy schedules. It’s an ideal setup for clients with regular design demands, providing dedicated and timely support.

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Flexible Design Support

Our retainer arrangement offers BVB Glass a seamless and flexible solution for their ongoing design needs. Through monthly meetings, we stay in sync with their upcoming projects, whether it’s designing pop-up banners, creating ads for print and TV, updating their website, or handling any other creative tasks.

This model ensures we’re always available to address their needs promptly, avoiding delays associated with busy schedules. It’s an ideal setup for clients with regular design demands, providing dedicated and timely support.

Next Project

Central Illinois Bakehouse

Branding, Graphic Design

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